Tuesday, January 29, 2019

First Blog Post

1.) How was the process of creating the Gmail account and setting up the blog?
- I used an email that I already created for the fall semester which made it easier. Setting up the blog was extremely easy due to following the steps that were posted.

2.) What do you expect to learn in this course?
- I expect to understand art more visually, historically, and socially. I do not have much knowledge about art in general so I am excited to learn more.

3.) How do you feel about taking an online course?
- I have never taken an online course before so I am intrigued to see what it is like.

4.) What three things in the Growth Mindset videos do you believe most applies to you?
-  The three things I believe most applies to me are that I made the right choice, determination, and the sacrifices I am making now will pay off in the future.