Wednesday, February 13, 2019


Describing Color

Color is the concept of reflecting or absorbing light. While objects reflect light while black objects absorbs most of the light. Mixing colors is very interesting. When working with light, mixing red, green, and blue together you get white, which I found interesting. Colors can often be used to create or set a mood. The color red displays anger or it can display love, or something warm. Yellow can be used to display illness, or a warm summer day. It is interesting how much color impacts our lives on the daily. Red meaning stop and green meaning go, red meaning love, especially on valentines day, colors are very important and especially cannot be changed.

Theoretical Color

Color is beautiful, color gives everything life. Analogous colors that compliment each other and harmonize are my favorite. Red, pink, and purple compliment each other very well, they look very vibrant. It is very interesting that additive coloring using light, red, blue, and green, when mixed together make white. I would never think that when mixing colors together you can make white. Also, subtractive coloring, mixing magenta, yellow, and cyan makes black.


While watching this video, watching June recreate a feeling inside of her onto a canvas, she had to keep in mind that color was the mood of the painting. What made the biggest impact on me is how bold a color is when it is shown by itself. Artist like Vincent Van Gogh and Mark Rothko used bold colors to express strong emotions about places. Van Gogh used the colors green and red to represent the depressing mood and distaste he had in a cafe. Color made him represent himself more forcibly. The clash of the colors red and green made his point known. Rothko used color alone to provoke an emotional response he had about a restaurant in New York. He wanted people to feel trapped and wanted to ruin their appetites. From the other color video, restaurant designers use colors that will make you hungry, like red and brown as lights or wall paint. Color constancy is fundamental to the way we see color. This is the way that the brain perceives color, which can be different between individuals.

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