Sunday, February 24, 2019

Value Scale and Color Wheel

Color Wheel

Value Scale

1.) I actually like painting. Sometimes when I have no homework to do I will go to the store and buy a canvas and paint for fun. But just because I like painting, does not mean I know the history behind it. I had fun mixing these colors and trying to produce the primary colors. The value scale was a little different. It was easy but figuring out how to make each square lighter as you went up the scale was more difficult than it seems. 

2.) Like I said above, I really like painting. Paint is probably my favorite medium to use. I love how smooth it is and feels on any surface. 

3.) The most important discovery to me was the amount of colors you can make from cyan, magenta, and yellow. While creating the color wheel, I made a bunch of different colors trying to make red, green, and blue. 

4.) The most important thing I learned from these videos was that the primaries; cyan, magenta, and yellow produce the secondaries; red, blue, and green and when they combine they make black. I never learned this in high school or anywhere else, and I took art classes! The videos were simple and easy to follow. 

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