Saturday, February 16, 2019


Doing this project was pretty fun in my opinion. I liked pretending I was a photographer for the week. Heres how I got some of my ideas; For line, I instantly thought of the idea to take a picture of the neatly folded jeans at work (American Eagle). For Shape, my boyfriend and I went to a movie theater on Valentines day and the ceiling there was really cool and bright. Of course I wanted to put my animals in the slideshow so I used them for texture and value. For contrast, I braided my cousins and my best friends' hair together. For movement, I used a newtons cradle in motion. I had fun coming up with these ideas. Unfortunately, I do not have a camera so all of these photos were taken on my iPhone XS, I used portrait mode often. I think they turned out pretty good.

Here is my slideshow:

mollybalk's library on Photobucket


  1. I like how clear and professional like your photos came out. I also liked how you incorporated things from your daily life such as your job, pet, and a date with your boyfriend. Overall I enjoyed you slideshow, it seemed very well thought out.

  2. Wow. Yours is wonderful! I had some trouble with this project and figuring out if the pictures I took fit correctly, but viewing yours, you make it so clear what each picture is portraying. I loved every single one of them. That movement one is especially cool. Great job, seriously!

  3. I enjoyed viewing your slideshow, it employed value, lines movement and all the the other elements and principles. You displayed a nice balance between organic and inorganic subjects and you can never go wrong with the family pets. Good job.
