Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Module 13 and 14 video review

Key Concepts Learned:
The Lowdown on Lowbrow: West Coast Pop Art:
   - This is art that know one knows how to categorize. It is a reaction against Highbrow culture. Also meaning, uncultivated and lack of taste. Very graphic art. This type of artwork gets to the point. It is all inclusive, does not let anybody out. This type of art boomed after World War II. It was very constant in portraying families, building nuke shelters, surfing, movies, etc. Basically anything could have been used as an idea for this type of art. Robert Williams was mentioned frequently in this video. Big Daddy Roth was another big contribute to Lowbrow art. Someone I have never heard of before. A lot of the art portrayed different comics and comic books, but with a twist. During this time period, drug use was at an all time high. Drugs were very common in this art as well. This art is very narrative, all art has a story and that story wanted to be told. Lots of people mentioned how this art was full of humor, dark humor. Tiki culture and Disneyland were also mentioned quite frequently. Lowbrow art has never had its own museum or anything, this shows that people do not find it important and think of this art as a joke. The good thing about this art though, it included women.

BBC Culture show: Tate Modern is 10:
   - This is story teller art, it tells a different story every-time to different people. It gets re-arranged all of the time and art is added frequently. This art opens your eyes to structure. It was for sure different. From my point a view, some of this art just looks like a big mess of colors and shapes. I do not see a story or meaning to some of these paintings. But, paintings mean different things to different people. Some of this art was very simple, in my opinion, kind of boring and no point or story behind it.

An Acquiring Mind: Philippe de Montebello and Metropolitan Museum of Art:
   - The art chosen for museums is picked very precisely. This museum has a goal to represent all cultures and eras. It is very hard to get the directed interested in art for the Metropolitan. It was really cool seeing a lot of the art that is showcased at this museum. Like the director wants, there is a lot of different cultures portrayed. All curators of this museum are very careful with their decisions. It was very interesting to learn how the art is made and kept in good condition. Then framed, presented and shown in the museum.

Video relation to my art project:

The Lowdown on Lowbrow: West Coast Pop Art:
   - None of the artwork that I have chosen was considered Lowbrow art in my opinion. I wanted to keep my project classy and respectable.

BBC Culture show: Tate Modern is 10:
   - This art did not really correlate to my project, besides the use of color. I tried to use some colorful paintings in my project to make it more fun and aesthetic.

An Acquiring Mind: Philippe de Montebello and Metropolitan Museum of Art:
   - This video gave a lot of information on how to be a curator. I wish I would have watched this video before completing most of my project. I may have picked a different topic. Like I expected, there are probably not many dogs in art in this museum so it does not really relate to my theme of dogs in art.

Opinion on the films:

The Lowdown on Lowbrow: West Coast Pop Art:
   - I have never heard of the term Lowbrow art. From what I have learned it is very different. Lowbrow art reminds me of graffiti, freedom of expression. The examples of lowbrow art shown in this video were very graphic, sometimes vulgar. The colors used in this art was incredible, very cool to look at. On the other hand, this video could have been more informative, it was mostly made up of opinions. There were a lot of people/artists that talked about this topic in this video. It was confusing at times and hard to follow. I write the concepts learned paragraph while watching the video, as you can see, it is kind of all over the place. And thats what this video was, kind of messy and out of order of events and facts.

BBC Culture show: Tate Modern is 10:
   - This video was a bit cleaner and classier than the first one. For sure taken more seriously. This video was also made up of opinions. I would have liked to seen more background information.

An Acquiring Mind: Philippe de Montebello and Metropolitan Museum of Art:
   - I learned more about being a curator means in this video. This video is very clean and informative on the Metropolitan Museum. The information got quite dry and boring at times though, but nothing major. 

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