Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Reflection of AED 200

1.) I would say that my expectations of this course were met. Although, I did not expect this course to have much homework. I expected to learn so much about art because I barely knew anything before, and I am grateful to say that I have learned a lot. I know a lot about the elements and principles, the many categories art can be classified as, famous artists, and plenty more.

2.) The definition of art is going to be different from everybody you ask. Art is truly anything. Like I said in week one, art is the great form of expression and I still believe that after learning so much. Art takes skill and creativity and is truly the expression of feelings and emotion. At can be expressed through paintings, drawings, sculpting, molding, building's, architecture, etc. It is all about the creativeness and what people or the audience perceive it as.

3.) In the beginning of the semester, I selected Picasso to be my favorite artist. But, since I have completed the Art Curator project, Edwin Henry Landseer is now my new favorite. The way he expressed so much emotions in his paintings of dogs and animals, it really made me feel emotional. I loved almost all of his paintings and the stories he would represent. His paintings showed incredible detail and held tons of emotion within them.

4.) This was my first online course. Although, this course was difficult and challenging at times, I did enjoy it. This course saved me from having to go to school everyday out of the week and I was able to handle the stress of it, even with my job and the other four course I have taken. I have truly learned so much about art and its several meanings. The question I asked in my first post was, who determines the popularity of art? I still haven't gotten the answer. This is because, simply, there is no answer. I also wanted to learn about which art was most popular in certain time periods and I for sure know this now. Throughout the readings and watching the videos, I have learned all I wanted to know.

Thank you for such a fun experience with art and all of the crazy projects I had to complete. My favorite projects were the mask making and the art curator project, I enjoyed completing both of them.

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