Saturday, March 2, 2019

Albright Knox Art Gallery

1.) Which art works made and impression or impact on me and why?
 One of the artworks that made an impact on me was Gerald Richter's painting. The painting is untitled (#418), it was made in 1977 and it is oil on a canvas. This painting stuck out to me a lot because it is different, like something I have never seen before. Another painting that stuck out to me was Andre Derains painting of Les Arbres (the trees) made in 1906. This is another oil on a canvas. This painting made an impression on me because I loved all of the color that consisted in it. The colors are very vibrant, I looked at it for a while.
Untitled #418 
Les Arbres
2.) What artworks do you feel a connection with and why?
  The first artwork I felt a connection with was The Temple of the Mind by Albert Pinkham Ryder. This is oil on wood and was made in 1885. This piece of artwork is a representation of one of Edgar Allen Poe's poem "The Haunted Place". I have been learning about Poe since I was in middle school. His poems were always eerie, just like this painting. I find horror stories very interesting. The second artwork I felt a connection with was Giacomo Balla's painting of Dinamismo di un cane al guinzaglio (Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash). This is oil on a canvas and was made in 1912. I have always had a special place in my heart for dogs and I found this painting very cute and unique. Reading the story of the painting made it even more unique. The way the artist represented speed in the painting is very cool.
The Temple of the Mind
Dinamismo di un cane al guinzaglio
3.) Which artworks would I like to learn more about and why?
  The artworks that I would like to learn more about are kind of similar. They are both portraits of people. The first one is by Amedeo Modigliani, La Jeune bonne (The servant girl). This is oil on a canvas and it was made in 1918. This painting does not have a story attached to it and I would like to learn more. It is kind of creepy, but interesting. The other painting, by Chaim Soutine, Page Boy at Maxim's, is also an oil on canvas made in 1927. This painting does not have a story either and I would like to learn the history behind it. 
La Jeune Bonne
Page Boy at Maxim's


  1. I too would like to know more about the last two paintings listed. Although there wasn't a story behind it, it seems like the paintings were meant to release a sad emotion from its viewers. I say this because of the dark colors the painter used and the sadness in the faces of the people in the painting.

  2. I liked your choice of art that you chose for your project. I don’t see how you can go wrong with any choices of art at Albright Knox. You seem to enjoy art done with oils, I thought that the painting Temple of the Mind was interesting and your analogy to Edgar Allen Poe made it even more interesting. We didn’t choose any of the same art but I could have easily chosen the art that you decided to use.
