Friday, March 22, 2019

Module 8 Video Review

The Greek Awakening: Art From the 5th Century BC
   - I chose this video because I figured it would help deepen my learning of Greek art. The title struck me as a member of the audience so I decided to watch it.

Kep concepts learned:
   -Athens , Greece is the birth place of western civilization. Art, architecture, philosophy and theater were born and brought up in Greece during 5th and 6th BC. Greece has shaped the way we think about ourselves and our senses of philosophy and opinion. Human Beings were always the center of life: religious, social, and art. Ancient buildings and architecture was very interesting in Greece, I would describe it as an illusion on the eyes. I have always wondered how these huge buildings were made without tools we have today and technology. Theater in Greece was also interesting to learn about, I never knew anything about it. The theaters are still used today for acting and portraying. Theater started in this city and then expanded across the world.

Opinion of video:
   - I liked this video better than the More Human Than Human video because it compacted the information into a shorter video, instead of dragging topics along. Although the video was only 25 minutes long, I feel as if I learned a lot about Greek history and art. I liked the real life structures they showed in the video, the old buildings of worship, theaters, even famous sculptures. I like when these videos actually show what they are trying to teach about.

More Human Than Human (key concepts):
   -The human body is something we see dozens of times a day. The human body is very consistent in art. Although, some of this art is not realistic but still portrays the human body. This has been happening for thousands of years, even before the nomads. Throughout these artworks, the same key aspects of the body were exaggerated, which is pretty cool.The reasoning that might behind this was the brains of these hunters and gatherers we programmed to exaggerate these body parts. Moving through the years, Egyptian artists portrayed the whole human body, with no parts exaggerated. Although the whole body was there, it was still not an accurate representation of the human body. palms were facing forward, feet were not facing the right direction, even the eyes were facing a different way. In Greek, the human body of males was cherished. If you looked good, you were good. All greek gods had great bodies.

More Human Than Human (opinion on video):
   -This video was informative, but a little bit dry at times. The information stated in the video, in my opinion, could have been more quickly stated without all of the dragging on and exaggerating. Besides this statement, I liked the real life art shown in the video, all of the art of the human body through history.

Both videos (relation to reading):
   - The book shows different examples on how body images were portrayed in art since the beginning of art. The video showed a good amount of women and their bodies and the books shows examples of men and their sculptures, which is good. It's good to have examples of both genders when learning about these topics. In my opinion, it was easier learning from the videos, they were more in depth with examples and facts. The video about Greece was very close in relation to the reading. They showed the same visuals of the buildings and amazing sculptures from ancient times.

Thursday, March 14, 2019


Frank Gehry: Architecture in Art
   - In Gehry's view, architecture is in art. Gehry tried to make buildings that would express feeling within the people associated with them, just like art does. He wanted his buildings to give emotional responses, not like ordinary buildings that are lifeless and cold. He changed up his dynamics when building, his theory; buildings evolve over time. When he was building his own home, we was more experimental than he could be when building for other people. Architecture varies from city to city, which then varies from country to country. Gehry wants to form connections between buildings, culture and art history. In my opinion, I would have never thought that buildings have this deep of meaning between individuals.  This video contains a ton of visuals, real and animated which helped me learn a lot about the different types of architecture. Some key aspects I learned that are contained in architecture are geometry, dynamics, design, creativity, etc. These aspects combined form buildings with aesthetics in the cities in which they were made, they give the city personality. For Gehry to make a building, he has to feel a connection with the city, fall in love with the people. If there is no bond or chemistry, he will not be able to preform the task.

Architecture: The Science of Design
   - This video is in more correlation with technology, the advancing of homes and building of skyscrapers. For the science aspect, structure is a huge part of architecture. The wind has a huge effect on the structures of skyscrapers. In high winds of 100 story high buildings, the buildings can actually sway. These buildings swaying can cause motion sickness to the people inside them and a ton of damage structure. I did not know wind had such a big effect on skyscrapers, 50 story building compared to 100 story buildings. Some homes now have so much technology embedded in them. The computer installed controls the start of the coffee process, temperature of the house, the lights in the house, and almost every appliance you want to be programmed. This is crazy. The computer responds to the human voice by training or voice command. The elements of concrete are even interesting to learn about. There are many different types and uses. Concrete is constantly changing.

Relation of reading to the films:
   - The book goes in depth on how different ancient buildings were built. I always wondered how people were able to build these buildings with the domes as roofs and circular ceilings. Ancient buildings are so cool. Both the videos and the reading talked about the process of architecture, which was what I expected but they all explained it in there own unique way. Frank Gehry talked about his own view of architecture and the art of it. The science of architecture video described how science effects the building of skyscrapers and the technology used. The book gives an example of the building and describes how it was built with a different type of architecture.

Opinion of the films:
   - Frank Gehry: Architecture in Art
I liked this video a lot due to the visuals. This video was focused on one person: Frank Gehry and his architectural art work. The focus only being on one person deepened my understanding of agriculture. He was able to tell his story and show the audience of what architecture means to him. In my opinion, it is always best to have real-life examples instead of definitions and fake scenarios, it makes learning more fun. Clearly, the meaning of architecture will differ from person to person, so it was interesting learning about Gehry's point of view. He is a very known architect with a unique sense of style.

   - Architecture: The Science of Design
The video was very informative. This video talked about the technology advances in architecture. Which is becoming more and more popular. The video had much detail about computerizing your house: how it works, what appliances it works with, how it is programmed, etc. Other than this statement, the law of physics when designing buildings is really interesting.

Reasoning for why I chose these videos:
   - I chose Frank Gehry: Architecture in Art because the title of the video caught my eye. I liked that architecture was compared to art. After about five minutes of watching the video, I realized that the focus of the video was Frank Gehry and what architecture means to him. I knew this video would deepen my understanding of architecture and provide many real-life examples, which is key to learning for me.

   -I chose Architecture: The Science of Design to learn about the science view of architecture, compared to the artistic view. The science view of architecture is beyond what I can comprehend. It was intersting comparing art to science but it was fun to learn about.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Peer Review

The two blogs I reviewed were:

1.)  I agreed with both of these artists on how they presented the elements and principles in their photos. I found it really interesting to see how other people interpreted this project. I feel as if I learned a lot from just looking at pictures and the element or principle that went along with it. Both of the slideshows I reviewed were quite different from each other, but I feel like both classmates did very well.

2.) The first art gallery visit I reviewed, we had none of the same pictures. But, I learned from the art she had chosen because it was different from mine. I like seeing other peoples reactions to art. She was very deep with her responses on relating the art to her life and I respect that. For the second blog, we had one picture in common. It was the one that made an impression on us. The painting was Dinamismo di un cane al guinzaglio. We both have a love for dogs and thats why the painting stuck out to us.

3.) I feel like the art that my two peers picked were very specific to them and represented their personalities. With that said, I did not really find any of the artwork they picked as an interest to me. I did enjoying learning about their interest though.

4.) I really liked reading my peers projects and reflections. It taught me a lot about each individual. In my opinion, the techniques they chose and the artworks they chose definitely reflected them as a person. I was able to determine parts of their personalities which I thought was pretty cool. I did find this valuable to my learning. This is a type learning that I do not have much experience with. Overall, I liked the experience.

5.) The peer review that was on my blog made me feel good about my projects. I liked receiving feedback and compliments from my peers. There were no critical comments which is good in my opinion.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Video review

Through the Eyes of a Sculptor:
  - I am intrigued by the title of "stone sculptor", a job I never really knew existed. I figured I never really knew about it because I am not surrounded by sculptures in my everyday life. It is interesting how the types of stone or rocks carve differently, like limestone and marble. To these sculptors, aesthetic is very important so picking the right stone is key. Marble for example,  it is very fragile and has different levels of resistance. It is crazy that even the selection process of the stone to carve is difficult. In my opinion, I really liked the sculpture in the fountain, the details were very cool. Sculpting seems like a very long, thoughtful process. The process includes clay, plaster, and then carved into stone. I have learned that sculptors are very creative and find meaning in the smallest places.

Glass and Ceramics:
  - The first thing I learned was that glass was made of sand, I never knew that. The sand crystalizes and forms glass, which is very interesting. The molding glass then gets ready for blowing. The artist shapes the glass by blowing or using a propane torch. The glass goes in and out of the heater to make it stronger. With time the glass becomes hard. Staining glass for glass windows is a whole other process. I have seen these types of windows in my church. Glass is made out of many elements that give it a specific use. Some glass is better for air conditioned offices based on its insulation. Ceramics on the other hand, is made from clay and other raw materials. A heating and cooling process. The firing determines the final characteristics of the product. The next step in the process: dry pressing. This is used to make simple shapes. After the object is shaped, it is glazed over for polishing.

Relation to reading:
  - The reading in the text went into depth about terms and definitions that relate to sculpting. I liked how the book gave an A-H example of the lost-waxing process. It made it easier to learn. Like the video, the book presented a lot of pictures (examples) on different sculptures. The book showed a lot of sculpting in cultures and religion, something the video did not in depth talk about. A lot of religions have their person of worship sculpted quite frequently. Definitely something that was interesting to learn about. For ceramics, I personally liked the video better than the reading. The book states tons of information about the different materials that can be used: metal, wood, fiber, etc. Overall, the book had a great amount of information but I enjoyed learning from the videos.

Opinion on videos:
  - I really liked learning about the sculpting process. It is a very long process that can take more than one person to construct, sometimes plenty of people work on sculptors. Each person that works on the sculptor has a certain specific job to contribute to the sculptor. Overall, the video was very informative. I liked the different examples they used from real life sculptors and their famous sculptures. The video really did deepen my understanding of sculpting. 
  - I thought the Glass and Ceramics video was very informative, way more informative than the other video. This video portrayed the step by step process while sculpting was about the artist making the sculptors and their opinions on it. I enjoyed learning about the processes and referring them back to my everyday life.

Saturday, March 2, 2019


On the left is a picture of my sketched that are not too pretty. On the right is my finished logo. I tried to be creative as I could. Creating the logo was fun in my opinion. I am a business student at Buffalo State and I work at American Eagle Outfitters so I wanted to incorporate both of those ideas into it. I am a huge Buffalo Sabres fan as well. My favorite place to eat/study is Starbucks and I just got a kitten named Luna and she is my everything. The deck of cards was just an idea I thought of to tie the whole thing together, nothing to special. It took me about 30 minutes to think of these ideas and brainstorming and another 30 minutes to create the logo. I wanted to use the colors black and red to keep it bold and classy.

It was fun discovering different things about myself and putting them all together. I also learned a lot about logos that I never really would have thought about, like the history of them. Logos are very important to every single business out there and they are everywhere you look.

I learned there are different types of logos and logo designs. Logos represent your identity and what you stand for. From the first video, there is a lot of thinking and brainstorming that goes into every logo made. When a graphic design company is asked to create a logo for a company, they have to spend time sketching and learning about the business to make the perfect logo. The second video is also illustrating a long process to remaking a squeezable bottle. They need to re-design the bottle and this takes time. There is a testing process to see which mechanism works the best. Eventually, from they created a bottle that worked best for everyone.

Albright Knox Art Gallery

1.) Which art works made and impression or impact on me and why?
 One of the artworks that made an impact on me was Gerald Richter's painting. The painting is untitled (#418), it was made in 1977 and it is oil on a canvas. This painting stuck out to me a lot because it is different, like something I have never seen before. Another painting that stuck out to me was Andre Derains painting of Les Arbres (the trees) made in 1906. This is another oil on a canvas. This painting made an impression on me because I loved all of the color that consisted in it. The colors are very vibrant, I looked at it for a while.
Untitled #418 
Les Arbres
2.) What artworks do you feel a connection with and why?
  The first artwork I felt a connection with was The Temple of the Mind by Albert Pinkham Ryder. This is oil on wood and was made in 1885. This piece of artwork is a representation of one of Edgar Allen Poe's poem "The Haunted Place". I have been learning about Poe since I was in middle school. His poems were always eerie, just like this painting. I find horror stories very interesting. The second artwork I felt a connection with was Giacomo Balla's painting of Dinamismo di un cane al guinzaglio (Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash). This is oil on a canvas and was made in 1912. I have always had a special place in my heart for dogs and I found this painting very cute and unique. Reading the story of the painting made it even more unique. The way the artist represented speed in the painting is very cool.
The Temple of the Mind
Dinamismo di un cane al guinzaglio
3.) Which artworks would I like to learn more about and why?
  The artworks that I would like to learn more about are kind of similar. They are both portraits of people. The first one is by Amedeo Modigliani, La Jeune bonne (The servant girl). This is oil on a canvas and it was made in 1918. This painting does not have a story attached to it and I would like to learn more. It is kind of creepy, but interesting. The other painting, by Chaim Soutine, Page Boy at Maxim's, is also an oil on canvas made in 1927. This painting does not have a story either and I would like to learn the history behind it. 
La Jeune Bonne
Page Boy at Maxim's