Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Video review

Through the Eyes of a Sculptor:
  - I am intrigued by the title of "stone sculptor", a job I never really knew existed. I figured I never really knew about it because I am not surrounded by sculptures in my everyday life. It is interesting how the types of stone or rocks carve differently, like limestone and marble. To these sculptors, aesthetic is very important so picking the right stone is key. Marble for example,  it is very fragile and has different levels of resistance. It is crazy that even the selection process of the stone to carve is difficult. In my opinion, I really liked the sculpture in the fountain, the details were very cool. Sculpting seems like a very long, thoughtful process. The process includes clay, plaster, and then carved into stone. I have learned that sculptors are very creative and find meaning in the smallest places.

Glass and Ceramics:
  - The first thing I learned was that glass was made of sand, I never knew that. The sand crystalizes and forms glass, which is very interesting. The molding glass then gets ready for blowing. The artist shapes the glass by blowing or using a propane torch. The glass goes in and out of the heater to make it stronger. With time the glass becomes hard. Staining glass for glass windows is a whole other process. I have seen these types of windows in my church. Glass is made out of many elements that give it a specific use. Some glass is better for air conditioned offices based on its insulation. Ceramics on the other hand, is made from clay and other raw materials. A heating and cooling process. The firing determines the final characteristics of the product. The next step in the process: dry pressing. This is used to make simple shapes. After the object is shaped, it is glazed over for polishing.

Relation to reading:
  - The reading in the text went into depth about terms and definitions that relate to sculpting. I liked how the book gave an A-H example of the lost-waxing process. It made it easier to learn. Like the video, the book presented a lot of pictures (examples) on different sculptures. The book showed a lot of sculpting in cultures and religion, something the video did not in depth talk about. A lot of religions have their person of worship sculpted quite frequently. Definitely something that was interesting to learn about. For ceramics, I personally liked the video better than the reading. The book states tons of information about the different materials that can be used: metal, wood, fiber, etc. Overall, the book had a great amount of information but I enjoyed learning from the videos.

Opinion on videos:
  - I really liked learning about the sculpting process. It is a very long process that can take more than one person to construct, sometimes plenty of people work on sculptors. Each person that works on the sculptor has a certain specific job to contribute to the sculptor. Overall, the video was very informative. I liked the different examples they used from real life sculptors and their famous sculptures. The video really did deepen my understanding of sculpting. 
  - I thought the Glass and Ceramics video was very informative, way more informative than the other video. This video portrayed the step by step process while sculpting was about the artist making the sculptors and their opinions on it. I enjoyed learning about the processes and referring them back to my everyday life.

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