Saturday, March 9, 2019

Peer Review

The two blogs I reviewed were:

1.)  I agreed with both of these artists on how they presented the elements and principles in their photos. I found it really interesting to see how other people interpreted this project. I feel as if I learned a lot from just looking at pictures and the element or principle that went along with it. Both of the slideshows I reviewed were quite different from each other, but I feel like both classmates did very well.

2.) The first art gallery visit I reviewed, we had none of the same pictures. But, I learned from the art she had chosen because it was different from mine. I like seeing other peoples reactions to art. She was very deep with her responses on relating the art to her life and I respect that. For the second blog, we had one picture in common. It was the one that made an impression on us. The painting was Dinamismo di un cane al guinzaglio. We both have a love for dogs and thats why the painting stuck out to us.

3.) I feel like the art that my two peers picked were very specific to them and represented their personalities. With that said, I did not really find any of the artwork they picked as an interest to me. I did enjoying learning about their interest though.

4.) I really liked reading my peers projects and reflections. It taught me a lot about each individual. In my opinion, the techniques they chose and the artworks they chose definitely reflected them as a person. I was able to determine parts of their personalities which I thought was pretty cool. I did find this valuable to my learning. This is a type learning that I do not have much experience with. Overall, I liked the experience.

5.) The peer review that was on my blog made me feel good about my projects. I liked receiving feedback and compliments from my peers. There were no critical comments which is good in my opinion.

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