Sunday, April 7, 2019

Hand Drawing!

1.) It was easier than I thought to use my hands as the subject of matter. I used my iPhone and took pictures of both my hands to help me out a little bit. It was cool to be able to draw the details of my hands. It is something you don't really look in depth detail with.

2.) I chose pencil to do my drawing. I chose pencil because it is a medium that I know how to work well with. Plus, I couldn't find charcoal to try something new.

3.) It was a bit difficult to create a drawing with my non-dominant hand. I struggled at first but then I got the hang of it. I feel as if it turned out pretty well.

4.) I believe I was successful with my studies. The drawings turned out a lot better than I thought they were going to turn out. They actually look like hands in general so I am happy with it.

5.) I am not sure if I would use my non-dominant hand for artwork in the future. I know the artwork would look better if I used my dominant hand. But, the future is never certain so we'll see. Both hands turned out pretty good in my opinion.

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