Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Module 9 video review

Why I selected these videos:
The drawings of Michelangelo:
   -The title intrigued me to learn more about his drawings. His drawings are very important to understanding art history or just history in general. I was excited to learn about the art he is known for. 

Albrecht Durer: Images of a Master:
   - I read the description of this film and it seemed interesting to me, over the other films. I ma glad that I chose this one because the video is pictures on Durer's art and a narrator. Not someone sitting there talking about the art. 

Key concepts learned:
The Drawings of Michelangelo:
   - Michelangelo had many drawings that are very important to society, but they are just sketches or unfinished drawings. The sketches still help deepen out understanding of history, though. Michelangelo is much more than drawings also, he is known for his gorgeous sculptures. He expressed art throughout many different mediums. He had great knowledge of the human body which is very interesting, he was very talented. Michelangelo's sketches were very realistic, the muscles he portrayed of the men were amazing, everything seemed real. You could see the texture, although there was nothing to touch. Looking at the sketches or the Sistine Chapel Ceiling was very cool. He put these sketches together and made a masterpiece. Researchers learned a lot about Michelangelo while looking through his old drawings. They even learned about his love life through the drawings. His art told a story. 

Albrecht Durer: Images of a Master:
   -Durer made an amazing self portrait at the age of only 13, by age 19, he was already getting better. He showed the process of aging in his work in art, especially about his mother. He could even make prints of animals he have never seen before. He only goy better at self-portraits. He also made plenty of landscapes when he traveled, they were very well constructed. His paintings were very realistic, which is impressive. Very colorful, very realistic. Like Michelangelo, he portrayed the human body with much detail. 

How the videos relate to the text: 
The Drawings of Michelangelo:
   - The book goes into detail about how Michelangelo changed the way art was looked at: the subjects treated, the way it was thought about, the position of art in society, identities and influences, and even culture. Which relates to the video but the video portrayed the artworks he created, not what people really thought about them. The book and the reading should a lot of the same artwork which was good. The book also goes into depth about the meanings of each and every artwork.

Albrecht Durer: Images of a Master:
   - I did not find much of Albrecht Durer in these two chapters but he is referenced frequently throughout the book. Durer mixed German and Italian art to create his masterpieces. The book had very few detail about him and his paintings, just the origin of the ideas. 

Opinion on the films:
The Drawings of Michelangelo:
   -I loved all of the old, unfinished sketches this film showed. I am surprised that these drawings still exist. This video described Michelangelo's life very well and informatively. I learned a lot from this video. 

Albrecht Durer: Images of a Master:
   - This video shows a lot of the art that Durer made. I like seeing the actual artwork made by these artists. It helps deepen my understanding.

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