Friday, April 12, 2019

Module 10 Video Review

Why I selected these videos:
African Art:
   -I have always been interested in African Art. I learned quite a few about the subject while I was in high school. We would watch movies, read papers, and so on, in my Understanding Culture class. I was intrigued to learn more.

   - I do not know much about Buddhism. I have seen quite a few pictures in my lifetime and decorations of Buddha but I do not know the deep understanding. Out of all of the film titles, this was the one I was interested in learning more about.

Key concepts learned: 
African Art:
   - These people shown in the video make all of their own utensils. Their art is portrayed in how they dress, their hair and make up (masks), but mostly in rituals. The sound of music and freedom of dance. Most of the African Art in museums is less than 200 years old, older art has been ruined by humidity and other tragedies. Most older, historical art is found in drier, rocky areas. This rock art helps deepen the understandings of African history. African art became popular in the 19th century to the Europeans. Masks are very important to African culture and art. They are a big role in everyday life and ceremonies. These masks have many special meanings; supernatural, emotional, powers, etc. Most sculptures represent different things and people. Same with the masks. Masks tie in theatre and rituals.

   -Buddhism began in India. Buddhism involves a lot of meditating and praying. A term I heard many times throughout this film was "enlightenment". Buddhism was believed to heal people with gentleness, ease their minds. Buddhism splint in two after the death of Buddha: Monks and Mahayana. The death then brought up art and architecture. The architecture is truly amazing and unique. The Borobudur Temple is a building I would like to learn more about. The video did not mention how this building was built and i'd like to know how. The structure is very cool and has great meaning to Buddhism. It was cool to learn that there is a big part of architectural Buddhism in Upstate New York: Chuang Yen Monastery.

Videos relation to the reading:
African Art:
   - The book shows the geographical aspects of the regions where African art had started. It also gives information about historical events and important people of the past. Which I find somewhat important to art. I liked the videos details and example better, although the book did show some interesting examples. Like 18.13, Yoruba.

   - It was a little bit easier learning from the book due to the correct spelling of the words and terms. The video and the book gave the same story about Buddhism. They both had really intersting examples of different art and sculptures.

Opinion on the films:
African Art:
   -This video is full of real examples of African Art and historical facts: statues, masks, paintings, etc. The art lets us learn about living in the B.C. era to now. I learned a lot about many African masks and what they look like: each one has its own uniqueness. I also learned a lot about the rituals and ceremonies that go on. The dancing and costumes are very interesting. The film was very well narrated and taught me a lot overall.

   -There are many examples of art and old architecture in this video. These examples made me respect Buddhism even more. I was able to understand what Buddhism is most about. Everything is uniquely made with Buddhism. I found this video very informative and interesting. On the other hand, I believe this video should talk more about the creation of art and architecture instead of giving many, many example of different types.

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